Sunday, March 22, 2009

got tagged...

I got tagged by Nathalie et cetera, the artist behind that great painting.
The rules are:
1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention. 2. Tag six other un-tagged people. Change the rules if you wish.

What is your current obsession?
Finding a new job with a reasonable wage.

What are you wearing right now?
The black dress my friend Paule just gave to me.

Do you nap a lot?

Who was the last person you hugged?
My friend Paule for having buy me a dress.

If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
A lonesome tree in a field.

What’s for dinner?
I don't know yet, probably meatsauce spaghetti.

What was the last thing you bought?
A bottle of wine.

What are you listening to right now?
La semaine verte.

What is your favourite weather?
I love sunny, warm and dry mornings.

What’s on your beside table?
Le mystère Frontenac, from François Mauriac.

Say something to the person/s who tagged you.
Thanks Nathalie! That is fun to do in this lazy sunday!

What was the last play you saw?
I never did!

Favourite vacation spot?
La réserve faunique Mastigouche.

A book you're currently reading?
Besides what's on my beside table? Les algues bleues, des solutions pratiques.

What is your favourite sound?
The sound of a creek.

What would you like to get rid of?
My student loan.

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
On my woodlot with my dog.

What did you want to become as a child?
An Olympic champion.

Your favorite movie?
One flew over the cuckoo's nest.

What is your plan for tomorrow?
I will mail my subscription for a craft fair in june, apply on two, maybe three jobs. Than I will go to work where I will do some research and write a press release. Than I will go to a board meeting for a non-profit organization I am involved on.

I am tagging Audrey, Eve, Little Gray Pixel, Erin, The bohemian Scientist and Tchoubi.


nathalie et cetera said...

Merci pour la pub ! :)
Et bonne chance pour la job !

Nathalie (tchoubi) said...

Voilà c'est fait :)

M said...

Génial! Je viens de découvrir ton blogue et ça fait du bien de lire quelqu'un de créatif au Québec! Il n'y en a pas assez! ;-)

Je reviendrai te lire!

LilithEvy said...

Très plaisant à faire!!!
Merci bien!